Industrial and Resource
The CCD Alliance team have been involved in a number of major resources projects stemming back to the major security upgrade undertaken at the Woodside Burrup processing facility at Dampier in the North West.

Kerran, Joe, Brad and Arthur all have significant security experience in the security requirements of these types of facility, and particularly in the design of the CCTV component of these facilities to share vision for both security and industrial operations.

Some of the projects include:
Woodside Petroleum facilities*
Kerran and Joe were involved in the first major upgrade of the security to the Burrup facility in the early nineties.

The project developed after Kerran and Joe were commissioned to carry out a security review and upgrade of the security of the then recently completed Woodside office facility at the Causeway end of Adelaide Terrace.  The review resulted in a complete reconfiguration of the security of the then facility, and was finalised with Kerran’s team developing and then delivering a security management training course for all of the newly recruited in house security team.

This project was quickly followed by Kerran being commissioned to carry out a risk/threat assessment and security audit of the then Burrup facility.  The security assessment resulted in a complete upgrade of the security across the site, including arrangements to manage access into and out of the site and the “hot” areas within the site. This was further extended include to the dedicated Port that serviced access to the rigs, the Karratha airport terminal that served the helicopter access to the rigs and on the rig itself.

The solution included for the first time the integration of the databases for security access, personnel records and safety, so that a single access control device enabled management of all safety training records for all staff.

The access control solution utilised was a common solution that covered not only the Burrup processing plant, ports, airports and offshore rigs but the office facilities in both Perth and Melbourne.

The security solution addressed all of the physical security elements of the Burrup facility. It also included the complete design and construction of a new facility gatehouse and security administration centre.  The bulk of the facility is still in operation today, although with changes and extensions.

Petroleum Development Oman (PDO)*
Whilst residing in Dubai, Joe was involved in the initial TVRA for PDO to review their existing security measures and to propose an implementation plan to upgrade the overall security of the facility. This site in Muscat Oman in located near the port and includes an extensive perimeter fence barrier traversing rugged terrain which in places uses the natural formations as part of the perimeter barrier.

Many local environmental factors also impacted the security design solutions, as well as access throughout the sites having restrictive practices, procedures and limitations which had all to be considered and included within the overall assessments.

Joe worked closely with PDO’s Security Manager to identify elements in need of upgrade and to formulate a plan based on local support for new applied technologies to improve the security in place. The solution also took into consideration the many remote facilities linked to the main site to monitor a large mobile workforce distributed throughout the country.

MCC Mining (WA) Cape Preston Iron Ore.
Whilst employed at GHD (Perth) as Security Principal in 2009-2010 Joe worked with Citic Pacific Mining and MCCM local representatives to develop the security solutions for the new Sino Iron Project at Cape Preston in the North West of Western Australia. This project included two sites separated by some 25kms and included the Port facility from which barge operations moved iron ore out to the shipping lanes.

The main site was inland and connected via a buried slurry pipe-line to the Port.
This project initially involved the conducting of a Security Risk Assessment from which the general Security Concepts were developed and approved.
These were later developed into Detailed Design documentation including a Technical Specification based on the Client’s preferred Vendor systems. These included an Access Control System (ACS) to manage site access and vehicle movements, in addition to safety monitoring (i.e. fatigue management, drug and alcohol testing, time and attendance, etc.) for all staff and visitors to the site. A comprehensive CCTV system that was segregated to provide both security and operational outcomes was linked to the ACS. The design philosophy was based on the “Rings of Security” and further developed within the confines of the site layout/operations. Consideration of Security staffing and management across both sites was also considered and included within the provisions of the design solution, along with all necessary physical barriers, the control thereof and the alignment of fences, roads, etc. to assist with setbacks and clearance requirements for security operations to successful monitor all movements on site.

CSI International - Christmas Creek
Arthur was called in to review the Process monitoring system for OPF1 and make recommendations on standardising the network and associated surveillance system across all sites related to the company. Following an audit of the existing system a detailed report was compiled and presented, outlining the required rectifications to the network infrastructure, imaging devices, recording and display matrices, as well as the installation parameters to provide reliable outcomes.

Subsequently designs were requested for OPF2. This involved identification of outcomes related to the process control and OH&S aspects of the site. After liaison with key stakeholders a design was submitted and the system was subsequently installed. Owing to the high reliability associated with the systems design. The format has subiquently been adopted across multiple sites
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